It can be hard to remember now, but the tech revolution emerged in a wave of democratic optimism. The Web, for example, would give us citizens an empowering platform that we'd use to organize ourselves and make ourselves heard. We'd have more control over the worlds we lived in. Everything was going to be fine.
There's still reason for that optimism — if you look towards the smart city. It's here, on the level of the connected municipality, that technology is helping residents solve problems, and to participate in decision-making and management processes that used to exclude them. The results of this have been striking. The rise of IoT-enabled, app-driven tech isn't the only reason for what's been the urban renaissance now taking place, particularly in the United States. But it hasn't hurt either.
What follow are remarkable examples of how IoT-enabled smart city tech is making life better in cities around the world, and even redefining what it means to be a citizen.