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    Making the workplace work for people

    The workplace is undergoing a major change

    Coworking spaces and corporate offices based on the coworking model are becoming more popular because people want to feel that they belong to a creative community. As it turns out, the more constant and seamless our virtual connections become, the more important physical place becomes to bring us together in meaningful ways.


    Research demonstrates the profound impact of physical workspaces on employee health, mental states, and emotions. Forward-thinking companies collaborate to employ active design, natural features, and wellness metrics that improve employee productivity while reducing absenteeism, staff turnover, and medical costs.


    Buildings have the power to attract and retain staff. The successful workspaces of the future will be the ones that make people feel good and offer a memorable, positive experience.


    Industry leader Despina Katsikakis examines this in her latest article covering topics such as how to measure wellness, supporting wellness with active design and using nature to decrease stress.


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    About the author

    Profile picture of the author Despina Katsikasis
    With over 30 years of experience, Despina Katsikakis is an industry leader with an international reputation for thought leadership on the impact of the workplace on people and business performance. She has been Head of Occupier Business Performance for Cushman & Wakefield, Inc., since 2017.

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