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    IoT in your office

    Building a connected infrastructure for smart, productive workplaces

    Do you want a future-ready, smart work environment with unrivaled flexibility and cost-saving potential?
    Watch our latest webinar to learn how a secure connected lighting infrastructure enables your business to increase operational efficiency, optimize space and workflow, improve well-being and attract talent – all through a secure, validated, PoE-powered connected lighting and software platform.  And what’s more…. lighting is a natural entry point for providing a unified and cost-saving infrastructure, as lighting systems are necessary for any building space.

    Signify, Cisco and Panduit - industry technology leaders in their respective fields - have partnered to deliver a best in class solution and we hope you’ll tune into our recently recorded webinar where our guest speakers uncover the opportunities awaiting you and your business.


    Watch the full webinar below:

    Building a connected infrastructure for smart, productive workplaces

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