LEDs today, sensors tomorrow, data-driven applications the day after that. This is what a scalable smart lighting platform can do. When LED luminaires offer native connectivity, you can enjoy immediate illumination and sustainability benefits the day you turn them on. You can then add more advanced capabilities whenever it's convenient for your organization in the future.
Think of a connected luminaire in the same way you think about your laptop computer. Your computer comes out of the box with connectivity features and a whole range of capabilities on board, and slots for connecting additional hardware up and down each side. You can use the computer’s primary functions without ever taking advantage of the additional capabilities it offers, or without ever connecting a fancy webcam or terabyte drive to any of its ports. But when you do, you reap all kinds of additional benefits, many having little to do with a computer’s essential number-crunching abilities. Connected luminaires are just like that: they produce light right “out of the box,” but they also have additional data-enabled capabilities and hardware slots on board, and you can use those to reap benefits beyond their essential illumination abilities whenever you’re ready to do so.
Reasons for adopting smart lighting and other such systems exist beyond the need to cut carbon emissions and lower costs. In an era of socially responsible capital, there’s a “halo effect” associated with pursuing sustainability initiatives. Zero-carbon operations is a differentiator for a company, and being able to claim it builds brand equity in a sustainability-minded market. Additionally, green practices make organizations more attractive to prospective employees, and they tend to increase employees' satisfaction levels once they've been hired.
On the public policy front, it’s now easier than ever to take bold steps in the direction of sustainability. In Europe, for instance, the EU Green Deal is making billions of euros available to member countries for sustainable renovation. The Biden Plan promises to do something similar in the US.
Sustainability is a moral imperative, and a necessity to avoid ecosystem collapse. The good news is that sustainability can be achieved while simultaneously lowering operational costs and making the workplace healthier and more human-centric. Smart systems are an essential element of sustainable operations—and connected lighting is a good place to start.