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    Dynamic arena lighting perfect for fans and broadcasters

    Johan Cruyff Arena

    Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    With the help of Interact connected lighting, the Johan Cruyff Arena has transformed the way fans and audiences experience performances.

    Signify has been involved in the development of our stadium lighting from the beginning and from now on we welcome them as an active partner in our innovation center.”

    - Henk Markerink, CEO of the Johan Cruyff Arena

    Customer challenge

    Elite sport is all about moments and experiences — and the modern sporting arena requires a modern lighting system to help both fans and broadcasters capture those moments. The management team at the Johan Cruyff Arena wanted to establish its venue as a leader in national and international broadcasting standards, where dynamic and high-quality pitch lighting plays a key role in the performance. The eyes of the world would also be on the Johan Cruyff Arena as it was set to host matches at the Europe’s most prestigious international football tournament in 2021. 


    In the run up to the tournament, Signify installed connected LED pitch lighting equipped with movable dynamic entertainment lighting to highlight specific areas of the arena. Using Interact Scene management software, light shows can be triggered in an instant, with authorized users able to control individual or groups of light points via a single, intuitive dashboard.


    For fans inside the stadium, this adds an interesting element to any pre-game or half-time show. For a multipurpose venue like the Johan Cruyff Arena, it also helps optimize the stadium for non-sporting performances like concerts and exhibitions, opening new revenue streams. In an age when the entertainment is no longer confined to 90 minutes, connected lighting helps to elevate the show as a whole and create immersive, unforgettable experiences.


    Connected LED lighting is also appealing for international broadcasters. The quality of lighting and the ability to control it means that match coverage can be broadcast in ultra-high definition, with every gesture and movement of the players captured in super slow motion.


    Stadium managers have had to wait an extra year to showcase its state-of-the-art connected lighting system to the wider sporting world. When the arena hosts its first tournament game in the summer, Interact is set to be a key player.

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