Decision-makers needed to thoroughly understand the space, and employee behaviors and routines within that space. With Interact, they were able to collect and visualize accurate, up-to-the-minute data on the various aspects of the lit environment and the activities within it, providing the perfect foundation for their new office design.
The Interact connected lighting system is one of the most advanced aspects of the strategic collaboration between Signify and Honeywell. Each connected luminaire in the system has a built-in multifunctional sensor that checks the occupancy level within its range. Interact collects this data over time and visualizes occupancy trends on heat map. Workplace managers can analyze this data to identify the most frequently used areas of the office and to estimate how many employees typically use particular spaces at different times during the work week.
This data can be used to support many smart workplace applications—for example, in an app that helps employees comply with social distancing rules. In the future, workplace managers can analyze historical occupancy data to better plan and use their office spaces and effectively manage high-traffic areas.
Smart office lighting – Cisco Toronto
Find out how we delivered cutting-edge connected LED office lighting in collaboration with IT supplier Cisco to transform Cisco’s WaterPark office in Toronto.
Connected office lighting - The Edge
At the Edge in Amsterdam, a state-of-the-art connected lighting system and Interact Office software helps create a more comfortable, productive, and sustainable work environment.