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    Lighting management for hospitality

    Guarantee the best guest experiences

    Interact gives precision control of all hotel operations to staff, while letting guests personalize the lighting in their own private spaces. Make hotel experiences richer and more memorable with unparalleled comfort and increased energy savings. Help hotel owners and operators offer unique, differentiated encounters across their properties.
    Two colleagues talking over a reception counter in a hotel lobby

    Boost efficiency

    Centralized lighting management gives you a full picture of how your hotel or venue is operating, helping to increase operational efficiency and reduce costs. Reduce lighting in lesser-used areas and set dimming patterns to minimize energy consumption. Integrate lighting with HVAC and property management systems to realize additional advantages.
    A woman in a hotel bed, reaching around to control a smart light switch

    Enhance the guest experience

    Collect data from your hotel’s lit environment, giving you actionable insight that takes your lighting beyond illumination. Deliver enhanced experiences for guests that maximize comfort and relaxation, minimize sleep disruption, ensure a natural wake-up experience, and more. Guests can use touchpads and other controls to personalize in-room environments.
    A woman in a dark room looking at a tablet

    Lead in sustainability

    Monitor your energy usage from an intuitive dashboard to make progress toward your sustainability goals. Reduce energy consumption in guest rooms by turning down lighting and HVAC systems when rooms are unoccupied. Automatically turn off heating or air conditioning when a balcony door or window is left open.
    Two hotel service staff talking to each other in a lounge area

    Allocate control as needed

    Create profiles to easily allocate permissions, granting read only or full control per module. Restrict or grant users access only to certain parts of the hotel, such as specific floors. Ensure staff login securely with username and password and manage users with ease.
    A hotel bar light with dramatic blue and pink lighting

    Adapt and scale

    Start small—managing lighting on a single floor or public area of your hotel, for example—then scale as your plans and budgets dictate. Easily configure and reconfigure your system as your lighting needs grow and change.

    More Interact capabilities for hospitality

    Scene management icon

    Scene management

    Energy optimization icon

    Energy optimization

    Bio-adaptive lighting icon

    Bio-adaptive lighting

    See what Interact can do

    • Building operational ecosystems for hotels

      Building operational ecosystems for hotels

      Hotels that adopt smart controls enjoy many benefits: enhanced experiences, reliable energy management, and data-driven insights that boost operational efficiency.

    • Hotel Pillows Anna van den Vondel

      Hotel Pillows Anna van den Vondel

      Interact and Certified System Integrator Tovèrli Lighting & Control Solutions teamed up to transform guest services in Hotel Pillows Anna van den Vondel Amsterdam.

    • Enhancing the guest experience

      Enhancing the guest experience

      With Interact Hospitality, Swissotel The Stamford in Singapore can personalize the guest experience while increasing staff efficiency, saving energy, and meeting sustainability goals.

    Take the next step

    Talk to our experts


    Tell us what you're looking for. Our experts will work with you to design the system that's right for you. If you're a system specifier, find out more about enhancing your client's offering with Interact and request access to tender text.

    Tools & resources


    Join our developer community for access to open APIs and other development tools. You can create personal assistance apps, integrate with building management systems, analyze collected data for new insights, and much more.

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