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    Scene management for cities

    Set the scene in your city

    More than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas, with this figure expected to rise to around 70% over the next few decades. This means that it’s more important than ever to create urban environments that make citizens feel safe, strengthen community, and foster a sense of pride and identity that keeps us connected. And Scene management from Interact can help.
    Two couples walking along a city street at night

    Improve safety

    Enhance safety via lighting scheduling, dimming, and integration with emergency services. Street lighting can be set to come on automatically when a car or pedestrian approaches at night and dimmed when no activity is detected, conserving energy and keeping costs down without putting citizens at risk.
    An engineer at the roadside diagnosing issues on a tablet

    Enhance operational efficiency

    Control scenes, schedules, calendars, and zones from a central dashboard. You can operate all lighting assets individually or in a group, trigger as many different lighting scenes as you want or need, and make changes as often as you like — and you can do it all via your tablet or smartphone.
    Two children playing on an LED installation

    Encourage tourism and increase revenue

    Attract tourism and open new revenue streams by creating colorful, dynamic public lighting displays on bridges, building façades, or monuments. Make instant changes to lighting scenes via a tablet or smartphone. And when you use Interact with color-changing LED luminaires, you’ll have millions of color combinations to choose from.
    Gateshead Millennium bridge illuminated with rainbow lighting at nightime

    Mark the occasion

    Increase civic pride by celebrating holidays, sporting success, and local events with light shows you can control with a touch of a button. Marking occasions with dynamic lighting shows gives your city a strong identity, strengthens the sense of community, and reflects the spirit of your city. 
    The city of Dubai at night with multicoloured lighting

    Empower businesses

    Empower companies by allowing them to set lighting scenes on iconic buildings to attract investment in and improve the economy of your city. The more revenue coming in, the more you can afford to invest in improving services for citizens.

    More Interact capabilities for cities

    Lighting asset management icon

    Lighting asset management

    Lighting management icon

    Lighting management

    Energy optimization icon

    Energy optimization

    See what Interact can do

    Take the next step

    Talk to our experts


    Tell us what you're looking for. Our experts will work with you to design the system that's right for you. If you're a system specifier, find out more about enhancing your client's offering with Interact and request access to tender text.

    Tools & resources


    Join our developer community for access to open APIs and other development tools. You can create personal assistance apps, integrate with building management systems, analyze collected data for new insights, and much more.

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