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    Outdoor sensors


    Be the future of public lighting

    The digital revolution and the Internet of Things present exciting opportunities for cities to benefit from future innovations in connectivity. But advances in technology happen so quickly it can be difficult to decide when to opt in.


    Our Zhaga-D4i certified luminaries give you a future-ready foundation that you can build on whenever your city is ready to opt in to new advances in technology. They are designed to work with industry-recognized LED drivers, controllers and sensors that can increase energy efficiency and collect different types of data.

     Illustration of Zhaga sockets installed on a street light


    Zhaga-D4i luminaires

    System-connected sensors are part of the growing smart city ecosystem and offer intelligent opportunities beyond what standalone sensors can do. By taking advantage of something you already have — your streetlighting — you can make the path to becoming a smart, connected city even easier.


    Zhaga-D4i is a standardized smart interface between LED outdoor luminaires and one or two sensor or communication nodes. Its plug-and-play interoperability enables seamless IoT connectivity, and D4i drivers allow for an easy exchange of different IoT nodes or sensors on luminaires. Our Zhaga-D4i certified luminaires give you a future-ready foundation that you can build on whenever you are ready to opt in to new advances in technology.

    What can Interact and Outdoor Multisensors do for you?

    Icon representing green energy

    Reduce energy consumption

    Automate light points to react to motion, and to dim/switch off when daylight levels reach a minimum threshold. Achieve energy savings of up to 80% over conventional lighting.
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    Respond efficiently to emergencies

    When sensors detect incidents, the system can automatically trigger behaviors such as raising light levels and sending alerts to first responders. Maintain road user safety with tilt and impact alarms in case of damage to the luminaire.
    Icon of a computer monitor

    Monitor and control assets

    Receive alerts about lighting failures through real-time fault notifications. With predictive maintenance, replace bulbs before they burn out. Control and monitor assets remotely through one dashboard.
    Icon of a magnifying glass

    Receive data insights

    Sensors collect both lighting- and non-lighting-related data (for example, on temperature, CO2 levels and incidents). Analysis of this data can inform future decision-making.

    Connect to Interact


    Upgrade an existing light point by plugging an Interact control node into the streetlight’s standard top socket. When activated, the light point automatically joins the Interact connected lighting network. Once you are connected, you can monitor status and energy consumption while remotely managing each light point. The data you receive also eliminates much of the onsite investigation that work crews typically have to perform prior to repairs, reducing response times from days to hours.


    In line with the Zhaga-D4i standard, several of Signify’s Philips control nodes are certified to D4i Type A for multi-master control capability to work with Type B certified sensors. Signify is fully compliant with the Zhaga-D4i interoperability standard which stipulates how a Type A node and a Type B sensor can work together.


    Similarly, the Philips Outdoor Multisensor LRI8135 is certified to Zhaga-D4i Type B and SR, ensuring it is compatible with luminaires fitted with either SR or D4i certified LED Drivers. 


    You can quickly and easily install sensors in new or existing light points with a Zhaga-D4i certified luminaire. The system is completely flexible to your needs and scalable to suit your budgets.

    Philips Outdoor Multisensor

    Our Zhaga-D4i certified sensor connects to streetlight luminaires via the Zhaga Book 18 socket interface. The sensor can operate as a standalone and locally-networked sensor for motion detection, and can also be remotely managed by Interact.
    Philips outdoor multisensor LRI8135

    Sensor applications

    Application areas

    Smart cities

    Thumbnail of smart cities animated video


    Thumbnail of highways animated video


    A highway at night lit by street lights

    Interact system-ready luminaires

    Learn more about Zhaga D4i and Interact system-ready luminaires in this brochure
    A road at night lit by street lights

    Philips Outdoor Multisensor

    Learn more about the Philips Outdoor Multisensor from this data sheet

    Take the next step

    Talk to our experts


    Tell us what you're looking for. Our experts will work with you to design the system that's right for you. If you're a system specifier, find out more about enhancing your client's offering with Interact and request access to tender text.

    Tools & resources


    Join our developer community for access to open APIs and other development tools. You can create personal assistance apps, integrate with building management systems, analyze collected data for new insights, and much more.

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