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    Transform the shopping experience with smart lighting


    Saarbrücken, Germany


    One of Germany’s top retailers is using Interact Retail software to control LED lighting in order to create a distinctive shopping experience for its customers, while boosting sales in their promotional area.

    In this project we succeeded in driving shoppers to certain products and increasing sales.”

    - Mr. Scheller, Store Manager Globus Saarbrücken-Güdingen

    Customer challenge


    Established in 1828, Globus is a retail chain of hypermarkets and electronics stores that prides itself on customer service. The chain’s Saarbrucken, Germany location wanted to improve its store by providing a unique experience for its shoppers, and more specifically, to create more excitement and attention in the promotions department.

    Creating a distinctive shopping experience

    Globus partnered with us to research three different lighting scenarios in the promotional areas of their store, controlled by Interact Retail scene management.

    The first lighting scenario mimicked the effects of the current lighting – a uniform lighting design which would form the baseline for the research. The second focused on accent lighting, and utilized spotlights to highlight certain items and create contrast. The third combined both spotlighting and colored up-lights. By using pastel up-lights, the colors not only played into shopper emotions, but also increased the visibility of the promotional area from a distance.


    These three different light settings were programmed using Interact Retail scene management to alternate the lighting scenario schedule every few days for a period of two months.


    Together with DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence), we spent this two-month period counting the number of customers spending time in the promotional area and analyzed sales data to see how the three lighting scenarios affected traffic in this area.

    The results were positive on many different levels for each scenario. Compared to the first scenario with uniform lighting, the second scenario with spotlighting increased the number of people entering the promotional area by 7%. With the soft pastel up-lights scenario, an additional 8% of shoppers entered the promotional area – therefore a total of 15% more people entered the promotional area compared to the control (baseline) scenario with uniform lighting. 

    The store manager was especially happy with the third lighting scenario, as it included the popular spotlighting in addition to the soft pastel colored up-lights, resulting in an impressive 6% sales increase in addition to the 15% increase in customer traffic. 

    Globus was satisfied with the pilot’s success and the store’s management team is more confident than ever that they can influence shopper behavior with connected LED lighting and Interact Retail software.

    Download case study

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