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    Are you ready?
    Become a partner

    Explore new business opportunities


    Do you install connected lighting systems or design IT infrastructures?
    Are you working with system or software integration?
    Then why not expand your business to include Interact connected lighting systems and software to tap into new customer opportunities and revenue streams.

    Becoming a Certified System Integrator for Interact will allow you to leverage our proven, scalable IoT-ready connected lighting infrastructure as well as access the additional benefits of the Interact IoT platform and software portfolio.  

    Interact will help generate new value for your existing customers, and open up new sales opportunities with prospects.

    Interact: connected IoT lighting systems for your business or city

    What is Interact?

    Interact is our brand for IoT-ready customer propositions. At the core of these offers is a secure and scalable software platform developed for connecting lighting applications. The platform manages:

    • user and device management for connected systems, luminaires and sensors
    • storage and processing of the data created by Interact systems
    • opportunities for further integration of software by partners and third party developers through open API’s

    Partnership benefits

    Becoming a Certified System Integrator for Interact will help generate new value for your existing customers, and open up new sales opportunities with prospects.
    Access to a scalable infrastructure offering new integration possibilities
    Access to a diverse ecosystem of partners
    User security
    Differentiate  yourself from competitors
    Customer segments
    Expand to new customer segments
    Data analytics and reporting
    Access to the data collected through the lighting
    New ways to generate revenue and value (Services and API’s)
    With access to technical information and training, plus marketing support every step of the way.

    Case study: Swissotel


    Case study: Guadalajara

    Guadalajara, Spain

    Case study: Albertslund

    Copenhagen, Danmark

    Find out more about our offers

    Apply to be a partner, and learn more about what Interact could do for your business.

    • Interact IoT lighting

      Interact IoT lighting

      Find out more about how Interact IoT lighting software and systems can help you solve the biggest problems facing your business or city.

    • IoT Insights

      IoT Insights

      Digitization and connectivity are transforming the places where we live, work, shop, travel, and relax. Our expert IoT insights can help you understand how to take advantage.

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